Silver Plating Processes for Decorative Applications
Technic supplies silver electroplating chemistry for decorative applications, including innovative non-cyanide alternatives. We offer high-quality products with excellent aesthetic qualities and economic performance.
Silver plating provides excellent protection from corrosion, chemicals and acids. Its natural antimicrobial characteristics make it an excellent choice when used in decorative jewelry applications. Silver plating is used in the manufacture of silverware (trays, cutlery), gift items, home ornaments and more. It may also be used for plating non-metallic materials (such as shell ornaments), after they have been metallized with copper or silver-based paint and plated with an acid copper underlayer.

Techni Silver Cyless® II W
Non-cyanide bright silver. Sulphur-free deposits. Can be deposited on nickel and other hard-to-plate substrates.
1006 Silver
Mirror-bright ductile decorative silver deposit with excellent wear resistance.
Silversene DW
Potassium cyanide based electrolytic silver plating process that produces mirror-bright ductile silver deposits.