Tips for Optimizing or Expanding Your Anodizing Line

Jim Acquaviva, Director of Business Development at Technic Equipment, contributed to the July 2020 issue of Products Finishing magazine. Products Finishing is devoted to all things finishing. For more than 80 years, electroplaters, anodizers, and liquid and powder coaters have all relied on Products Finishing magazine as a reliable source for surface finishing news and technology. Jim had the opportunity to answer a common question received by the editors at PF about how to optimize or expand an existing anodizing line.
Q. I'm looking to optimize and expand my anodizing line. Do you have advice for auditing my current process for areas of improvement?
A. Process audits are a proven method of identifying issues and opportunities to improve a process. Qualified professionals experienced in specific disciplines can be engaged to support this type of effort, but there are significant benefits from an initial self-assessment. As with many things, the hardest part is getting started. This article offers guidance for an audit and tips for optimizing an anodizing process. Let's get started!
The axiom "begin with the end in mind" certainly applies when evaluating potential improvements to an anodizing operation. Begin by defining an end-state based on desired competency, capacity and quality. Take a holistic view that includes each aspect of the current manufacturing operation, from incoming material to final packaging, to identify the limiting steps. Limitations are, in many cases, related to capabilities, resources and process controls.
Benchmarking current capabilities is a worthwhile exercise on its own. Measuring current performance against key objectives will highlight ...
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